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A discussion between Shuurei and Seiran.
His Royal Highness, Shi Ryuuki.
Serious Seiran!
Kouyu wears a disapproving look, which means he's probably watching His Royal Highness!

Kouyu wears a disapproving look, which means he's probably watching His Royal Highness!
Sequence: Ep. 14, cut 76 (?) layout
Layers: 1
Sketch: None
Background: None

Saiunkoku Monogatari (4)
With my wonderful memory for details having been demonstrated for a number of years now, it probably will not surprise anyone to learn that I am not sure which of Ryuushi's advisors Kouyu is. I believe he is the one who is forever lost (which somehow is fully appropriate to this situation). He's one of several advisors who is in the background for most of the first season and is taking on a greater importance in the second, currently underway. He mostly disapproves of Ryuushi.

Made it here

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Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.